
勢いにまかせてやってみたらけっこう面白かったというハナシ。 http://nicowiki.com/ を参考に歌詞をうってみただけなんだけど歌詞調べたりタイミング合わせたりやることがいろいろあってちょっとやるには大変かも。おれの場合歌詞を調べつつ vim で大まかなタイミングとコマンド・文字列を準備してから一時停止を駆使しつつ投稿する感じ。微調整は拙作の nicontroller.js を使うとマウスに比べてストレスも少ないのでオススメ。 :nicoseek mm:ss で大体の場所に飛んで p に map してる :nicopause をすばやく 2 回で投稿タイミング調整。これは耳で地道に探すしかないんだけどここが面白いっちゃ面白い。

参考までにおれが投下した際に作った下書きは以下のような感じ。ただ vim だと空白文字 ( U+00a0 ) や改行 ( ascii 0x0a LF ) がうまいことコピペされてくれないので、それらを使う場合はメモ帳で空白文字・コメント欄で改行を追加する形でなんとかしてる。これかなり面倒だからなんとかしたいんだけどちょっと時間かかりそう。

00:20 shita small red       I remember sitting with you
00:22 shita small blue      sitting there with you
00:24 shita small red       undermeath the tree of life
00:26 shita small blue      underneath the tree of life
00:27 shita small red       we listened to every fainted cry
00:27 shita small blue      ah-ah-ah
00:30 shita small red       of the creatures there on the day the world begun
00:30 shita small blue      ah-ah-ah-ah

00:33 shita small red       looking at everything that I've lost
00:33 shita small blue      ah
00:36 shita small red       and almost everything that I've loved
00:36 shita small blue      ah-ah-ah
00:39 shita small red       I'll hold them all tightly in my arms
00:39 shita small blue      ah-ah
00:42 shita small red       wondering where I am, so please tell me where to go
00:42 shita small blue      ah

00:45 shita small red       all of the answers you seek lie hidden in the sun
00:45 shita small blue      all of the answers you seek
00:49 shita small blue      A-QUA-RI-ON
00:51 shita small red       if I hadn't met you my life
00:53 shita small red       would've been in the darkness forever
00:53 shita small blue                    in the darkness forever
00:57 shita small red       in my wings are the powers of immortality
00:57 shita small blue      ah-ah-ah-ah
01:02 shita small red       but by meeting you my whole life has changed
01:02 shita small blue                     you                   changed
01:05 shita small red       you give light to me hope to me strength into my life
01:05 shita small blue      ah-ah-ah-ah-ah

01:11 shita small red       all this time, these twelve thousand years
01:11 shita small blue      all this time, these twelve thousand years
01:14 shita small red       I know AI-SHI-TE-RU!
01:14 shita small blue             I love you!
01:17 shita small red       eight thousand years from the time that I've met
01:17 shita small blue      eight thousand years from the time that I've met
01:20 shita small red       you my love grows strong than ever before
01:20 shita small blue      uh-uh-uh                           before
01:23 shita small red       one hundred million and two thousand years
01:23 shita small blue      one hundred million and two thousand years
01:25 shita small red       from now AI-SHI-TE-RU!!
01:27 shita small blue      AI-SHI-TE-RU!!
01:29 shita small red       I want you know since you came in my life
01:31 shita small red       every day every night you give light into the darkest skies
01:31 shita small blue      ah-ah
01:36 shita small purple    ah-ah-ah